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Fifth Wheel Renovations

Since we had experience with one renovations, we made ample trips to Home Depot, Lowes, IKEA and Lovesac to overhaul a very brown fifth wheel.

We found a local handyman in Mount Joy, PA that allowed us to deliver our fifth wheel to his house so he could work on the RV at night and on the weekends. We had it delivered because we didn't have our truck for a few months after we bought the RV.

We added Life Proof flooring throughout the kitchen area, living room, bathroom and slides. We opted to leave the carpeting in the bedroom.

The bathroom didn't need much help but we did opt to remove the second door that connected the bedroom and bathroom with drywall to add more room for towel racks.

In the bedroom, we removed the mattress that came with the RV and ordered some super cool nautical wallpaper from Spoonflower. (If you haven't used this site, fair warning, it's a blackhole of super cool stuff!)

In the kitchen, we added backsplash that originally Vern thought was really loud and showy but I love it! The walls were painted a cream color, upper cabinets are now an avocado color and the lower cabinets are a darker green color (like the outside of an avocado).

For the living room, we opted for a LoveSac sectional couch because of it's versatility for moving. We bought three seats and five sides. The seats we bought have the storage in them for extra shoes, electronic equipment and blankets.

Overall, we are super pleased without how it came out. The RV is brighter and more functional for us.

Check out the links to the materials we purchased:

Spoonflower Wallpaper (our print was discontinued but check out these other amazing wallpapers)

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